Print and Stationery

Branded collateral templates offer a professional and consistent look for various communications.


Printed and electronic university-wide letterhead, business cards and envelopes are produced by Reprographics Services. Unit logo lockups are not permitted for use on stationery. Unit names will be included in the contact area of each piece.

Business Cards

Example of SDSU business cards

The primary SDSU logo is required; department logos are not allowed. Units may include a URL in addition to the required URL. Optional edits to the back of the business card include removing the red pattern and adding unit social icons and/or a QR code.


Example of SDSU letterhead

The primary SDSU logo is required; department logos are not allowed. Always include the address with the mail code with your request.


Example of SDSU envelope

University-wide envelopes follow the letterhead design format featuring the primary SDSU logo; department logos are not allowed.


Branded covers can be used for reports, presentations or other university related needs.

Cover Option 1 Preview
Branded cover with a placeholder for a marquee image, title, logo and URL.
Cover Option 2 Preview
Branded cover with a placeholder for two images, title, logo and URL.
Postcard preview


Two-sided postcard design featuring a marquee photo, short text and vibrant colors.

Download Postcard InDesign File