Faculty and Staff

Virtual Event

Faculty and staff can request a Zoom webinar for their event.

Zoom Video Webinar allows you to broadcast a Zoom meeting to up to 3,000 view-only attendees. As the host or a panelist, you can share your screen, video, and audio in a webinar, while attendees can use the chat or question and answer options to interact with the host and panelists.

Zoom webinars are ideal for large audiences or events that are open to the public. The maximum participants is set to 3000 participants.Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another and Video and Mics are disabled for Students.

Captioning should be provided for any sort of virtual content, whether that be pre-recorded video or live video. Instructional Technology Services (ITS) and the Student Ability Success Center (SASC) provide many resources to help make your virtual event accessible to all attendees.

How to Live Caption Zoom Meetings

This tutorial from ITS provides step-by-step instructions for enabling live captioning for Zoom Meetings.

Do-It-Yourself Captioning Tutorials

If you are using pre-recorded video content, ITS provides tutorials that walk through the steps for automatically making a transcript of a video, uploading the video and transcript to YouTube to create captions, and how to use the newly created caption file to caption an MP4 file that can be displayed from a computer with or without an Internet connection.

View DIY Caption Tutorials

Third Party Captioning Vendors

If your event is part of a campus-wide initiative, SASC may assist in captioning your videos. Please send your event advertisement and video to be captioned to [email protected].

If your event is specific to your department or organization, the Captioning at SDSU site provides instructions on how to facilitate captioning with Automatic Sync Technologies (AST). AST is a paid service and offers discounted captioning to CSU Campuses.  For more information, visit the Captioning@SDSU website.

Faculty and staff can request ZoomCorps support for their webinar.  For additional support, please use the contact information provided.

Zoom Webinar Questions:
Phone: 619-594-5261
Get Help: Submit a ServiceNow Ticket

In-Person Event

There are many aspects of planning an in-person event, and can vary depending on the scale of your event. As an SDSU faculty or staff member, you are able to reserve space on campus and request any additional resources you may require to make your event a success.  This site will provide information to assist you during the planning process.

Reserving a Space

If you are an SDSU affiliate (department, staff, faculty, etc.) only requests to reserve classrooms and outdoor space for tabling or other outdoor activities/events, must be submitted online through the Event Approval System (EAS).  This includes events needing amplified sound, as there are additional forms and approvals that may be necessary. The EAS form will request specifications to be reviewed/approved as appropriate.

All other reservations are to be made directly through your desired venue. Contact information can be found on our Reservation Information by Venue page.

Reservations for Use of Campus Grounds/Outdoor Space

Reservations for use of campus grounds/outdoor space are required when using chairs, tables, canopies, structures, vehicles, food, beverages, or sound amplification equipment. Submit your reservation request through the EAS form.

A full list of available outdoor locations on campus can be found on the Student Life and Leadership website.

Reserving Classrooms

Ranging in seating size from 12 to 500, university classrooms are available for student, faculty, or staff meetings and activities on weekdays without a charge provided no admission or registration fee is charged. On-campus groups are charged custodial/maintenance fees when classrooms are used during the weekends.

Classrooms must be reserved at least two weeks in advance. No rooms are available during final examination periods and Commencement weekend. Food and drink are not permitted in classroom facilities at any time and the sponsoring group must clean and restore the room to its original condition. Noise from an event may not disrupt adjacent campus activities.

Submit your reservation request through the EAS form. Please indicate in the "Notes" section of the EAS form if you have a preference for a specific room. This is not a guarantee that you will be placed in that room. A Student Life Advisor will work to place you in a comparable room if your preference is unavailable. Please also note if you would like to use the Smart Classroom Technology (projector, computer, etc.).

Other Campus Locations

Apart from outdoor and classroom spaces, all other facility spaces should be reserved by faculty and staff members directly with the venue.  For more information, visit the Reservation Information by Venue page.

Permits and Forms

For a comprehensive list of permitting forms and policy guidelines for your event, please visit the Event Permitting Forms page of the Student Affairs and Campus Diversity website.  

Event Accessibility

When planning an in-person event, it is important to make sure that all aspects of your event are accessible to all attendees. This includes promotional materials, website materials, day-of accommodations, language interpretation, and video materials.  Student Disability Services (SDS) provides a helpful checklist with information and resources for event planners.

Event Accessibility Checklist

Communication and Promotion Opportunities

Communication and promotion are crucial to the success of your event.  There are many methods and opportunities available for faculty and staff to promote their events to various audiences.  Visit the Faculty and Staff Communication and Promotion page.